A Mardi Gras Inspired, Hot, Alcohol-laced Beverage

Photographs by Kelly Paul. See more at Stock Photo and Image Portfolio by K. Paul | Shutterstock or K. Paul Stock Photos ~ Twenty20 

If you're lucky enough to be in New Orleans, LA., to watch the Mardi Gras parades, a nice cool Hurricane, Strawberry Daiqueri or Mint Julep would hit the spot.

BUT, if you happen to be in the Midwest and attend a local Mardi Gras parade or outdoor celebration, it's usually frigid. 

St. Louis, MO., has a Fat Tuesday parade annually and it's punctuated by mostly freezing or below freezing temperatures. The Mardi Gras drinks recipes I've seen are all cold beverages. So, I thought it was time for something in the higher temperature range. Instead of a cold drink try this steaming hot Fat Tuesday inspired beverage. It will keep you warm and toasty (if not toasted) while you celebrate in the cold. (Okay, public service announcement time, "PLEASE drink responsibly". Can't help myself, it's the retired cop in me.)

For those of you that aren't familiar with the New Orleans Mardi Gras King Cake, here is a quick lesson.  King Cake is widely available during the Mardi Gras season in New Orleans. The traditional King Cake is a cinnamon laced, oval, coffee cake covered in white icing topped with purple, gold & green colored sugar. A small plastic infant is baked into the creation and if you're lucky enough to get of the piece of cake with the baby, it signifies good luck for the coming year. Good luck and sugar? Who could ask for more!

Suffices to say, the traditional bakery sweet has made its way into flavored alcohol. Now you can eat your cake and drink it too! Don't turn your nose up at it! If you like cinnamon, cafe au lait or cafe de la creme and an alcoholic kick similar to an Irish coffee, you'll love this. 

So, Laissez les bons temps rouler! Let the good times roll--WARMLY!

King Cake Cafe de la Creme


  • brewed, black, hot coffee
  • King Cake Rum Cream (any brand. usually available in local liquor stores in December or January. I prefer Gambino's Bakery King Cake Rum Cream)
  • ground nutmeg (optional)
  • ground cinnamon (optional)
  • whipped cream (optional)


Add 2 oz. (1 shot) of King Cake Rum Cream to a 6 oz. cup of black coffee and stir. (Add more rum cream if you want a stronger alcoholic beverage. The Gambino's Bakery Rum Cream I use is 17% alcohol)

To make it an attractive beverage, top with a dollop of whipped cream (homemade or store bought) and sprinkle with a dash of ground cinnamon and/or nutmeg. It's easy to make and drink.

À votre santé .................Cheers!

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