WELCOME to my website and first official blog posting! I look forward to you visiting regularly to experience what my itty-bitty brain has cooked up for public consumption. 

First a little about me. I love to make stuff -- especially edibles (no, not marijuana laced food!! LOL) -- Just food, snacks and beverages that, if not original, have my personal touches added to the recipe mix. 

Will be posting on Pinterest as soon as I teach myself how so look for me there in the near future.

Where was I? Oh yeah, about me. I was born, raised and am still living in the Heartland of the USA, the Midwest. You know, the glue that keeps the rest of the country together. I'm a single mother of an adult, high functioning autistic son (which means I'm no spring chicken!)  I'm a retired police officer and most recently was a background investigator. (Not as interesting as it sounds, basically just a report monkey.) 

Anyway, I like to experiment in the kitchen. My family members and friends (and myself, of course) are my go-to guinea pigs. So 99.9% of the recipes I post have been tried on their taste buds. Only the ones that received thumbs up will be posted. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed creating or customizing them. 

Additionally, I will also blog about life hacks and interesting, topical subjects that I hope you will find helpful as you go about your daily routine.

From time to time, I will share my experiences raising my son. For those with an autistic child, I hope it can be of some comfort if not of some help. For those without a special-needs offspring, I hope it will provide some insight into the autistic experience, a unique perspective on the world. I can't take credit for this saying (and I can't remember where I came across it to credit the original author) but "Autistics live in our world their way." You will find these musings entertaining and somewhat educational, I hope.

I look forward to you joining me for the journey! So, visit often. Your comments and suggestions are always welcomed.

Oh, and the cat featured in this posting's photograph is one of my felines. He's my 15 lbs., male tabby, Camo, short for Camouflage. The name was bestowed on the cat by my son who thought it amusing that the kitten's coloring matched the cat tree we had at the time. 


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